Stop Working So Hard
MicroMain Training in Austin, Texas
Wondering how to fully integrate your software into your day-to-day operations? Or want to get more insights from your data? Book a training session with us for a refresher on key software features and functions and receive one-on-one help with any challenges you’re having.
Here are some topics we'll cover:
How to develop consistent naming conventions in your data (a MUST for having clean data!)
How to fully configure the control center system-wide for all users
How to set up an effective preventive maintenance plan (scheduling, condition monitoring, frequency)
How to generate actionable insights from your data (what KPIs you should be tracking, data reporting best practices, and more)
Yes, we're back with in-person training!
We will resume our regular ONSITE training sessions hosted in Austin, TX. These two-day training sessions are designed to be highly interactive, with ample opportunities for you to ask your trainer questions and network with other attendees.

Meet your trainer
Mark Kohring, software implementation specialist at MicroMain
Mark has nearly a decade of experience as a technical trainer, with much of his career spent training slot technicians in the casino industry. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems. Mark is proud of the fact that he has traveled extensively for work and has a collection of gaming chips from over 200 casinos.
See you at the next session!
March 27th & 28th, 2024, 9 am-5 pm CT at Industrious 9th & Congress
Access Training Materials
Our training sessions are jam-packed with information and it can be hard to keep track using note-taking alone. You’ll receive documentation ahead of your training that summarizes all the key concepts you’ll need to remember later.
Learn from your peers
With small class sizes and a networking session before the training, you’ll have ample opportunity to meet with business leaders from your area or region.
Take advantage of early-bird pricing
Ask your account executive for more information about pricing and group discounts.
Each training session runs for two days, with eight-hour sessions each day and a break for lunch. Networking sessions are optional, but we highly recommend you attend to get the most out of your training.
Networking roundtable
Introduction & Agenda
Maintenance Overview
Menu Navigation
Exploring the MicroMain Program
Brief Overview of Yesterday
Practical Exercises
Exported Reports
Q&A session
Choose the training session that's right for you.
Need to train a large number of technicians or just want to get the best deals? Take advantage of early-bird pricing and group discounts. Contact your account executive for more details.
Special Pricing
Network with business leaders in your area.
Training sessions give you the chance to meet with business leaders in your area. If this training date does not work for you but you'd like to attend one, we'd like to know. Leave us your email below and we'll be in touch to see what dates and areas work for you!
Training that's designed for you.
Most people learn maintenance management through trial-and-error. We can spare you some of that pain.
Want to learn best practices or talk shop with an expert? Let your account executive know if you'd like to discuss any of the following:
Work orders and preventive maintenance
Equipment failure tracking
Purchase order software instruction
Inventory management
CMMS dashboard configuration
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) instructions
Anything else you need for a successful implementation!